Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saving Luna - A powerful film

Saturday, October 10, 2009
NOAA programs - where is the one for orca watching in WA?

Dolphin Smart . . .why not Orca Smart?
Much has been written lately about the new vessel regulations and the southern resident orcas. NOAA already has a program in place that could solve this whole issue if it were adapted to the Pacific Northwest.
The Dolphin Smart program
The Dolphin Smart program was developed by NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and National Marine Fisheries Service, the Dolphin Ecology Project, and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. It is geared towards the safe and responsible viewing of the dolphins in the Florida Keys. This area has many businesses who conduct dolphin tours, much the same as Anacortes and the San Juan Islands have many businesses who conduct orca tours. Full Story Here
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
NOAA - The final meeting on the new orca regulations

The meeting was started with an overview of the new proposals by Lynne Barre and Donna Darm of NOAA, This was followed by opening up the floor to comments from those attending. Each was limited to two minutes, and the moderator did a wonderful job of keeping to that time limit and keeping control.
The Issue of Enforcement
The majority of the comments disagreed with NOAA's proposals. Many felt that new regulations were not necessary, and the orcas would be better served if the present ones were enforced. The issue of enforcement was one of the two most popular subjects last night. Many of the speakers pointed out that it is the pleasure boats that were the problem, and not the whale watch boats, and that often the whale watch boats would radio the pleasure boats to tell them to slow down as the orcas were present. It was also pointed out that the boater education program that all boaters are required to attend makes no mention of how a boater is to behave around the orcas. This is definitely a topic that needs to be addressed.
Salmon Recovery
The second topic that was mentioned the most was that of salmon recovery. Ken Balcomb of the Center for Whale Research started the ball rolling stating in effect that the boats do not bother the whales and what is important is that we have to get them fish. Many others echoed Ken's comments.
Salmon Recovery and Enforcement
It was, however, Monika Wieland, author of Orca Encounters who brought both of the issues together in her brilliant statement. She said, "The Southern Residents were only listed as endangered after they were designated as a distinct population segment, which defines them as separate not only from other cetaceans, but from other members of their own species. It seems inconsistent, then, that so much of the science cited in the proposal focuses on a wide variety of other species from other places. As one example, I’ll point out that a primary citation for the impact of kayaks on killer whales comes from studies of Steller sea lion haul outs in Alaska.
Of the science that does specifically focus on the Southern Residents, the results are tenuous at best. If you talk directly to the researchers you will realize many of the results are more inconclusive than indicated in the proposal. Even if you accept their findings, for instance that whales do more surface active behaviors or vocalize louder in the presence of boats, you have to realize that these changes in behavior are not biologically significant. I understand that ideally we don’t want humans to impact whale behavior in any way, but when talking about their survival, extra tail slaps or louder calls are not going to make or break this population.
No matter how many regulations we put in place, there will continue to be violations. Not just because these regulations would be difficult to enforce, or the fact that there is insufficient enforcement for even our current regulations, but because after spending nine years observing these whales from boats and shore, it is clear to me that they are going to do whatever they want to do whether boats are there or not. They will chase salmon under boats if that’s where they want to feed, they will change direction and pass near a boat if that’s where they want to travel, and they will even seek out boats like freighters (the loudest, largest, and fastest moving vessels the whales routinely encounter) just to surf in their wakes for the fun of it like I saw them do a few weeks ago.
So much time and effort has been focused on the vessel issue. I wish this much energy was being put towards salmon recovery, the true deal breaker for the Southern Resident orcas."
Bravo, Monika!
Other speakers made comments on the vessel regulations and salmon recovery issues. Examples were that NOAA needed to listen to Ken Balcomb who knows more about the southern resident orcas than anyone else on the planet, and was, in fact, given the title of "Mother of all Whale Watchers".
The Pacific Whale Watch Association
The Pacific Whale Watch Association recommended a slow go zone, rather than a no go zone. The no go zone was a very unpopular issue last night as it affects not only the whale watch industry, but also fishing vessels. Most agreed that a compromise was needed. Other members of the PWWA pointed out how many people are educated and inspired to change the way they live their lives after see the orcas. People come from all over the world just to see the southern resident orcas. Not only do they get to see the orcas, they also receive educational information on how to make changes in their lifestyle to help our environment.
In Conclusion
NOAA has a lot of thinking to do, and it was suggested by many that they go back to the drawing board as what they have proposed is impractical, in light of the lack of enforcement. It was also suggested that they expend their energy towards salmon recovery as that is a much bigger issue for the future of the southern resident orcas. One gentleman also suggested that NOAA give the orcas more credit as he said, "the whales are not as dumb as NOAA".
For those unable to attend the meetings, comments can be sent to NOAA at orca.plan@noaa.gov The cut off date is October 27.
For More Information:
Proposal by NOAA Fisheries on vessel traffic near Southern Resident Orcas
NOAA's proposal on vessel traffic & the southern resident orcas
New Proposed NOAA regulations - A Counter proposal from the Pacific Whale Watch Association
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The final and most important phase of the retirement of orca Lolita
The Third Phase
The third phase of Lolita's retirement plan is the procedure for her potential reintroduction to L pod, her family. This would begin after she successfully completes 1-2 months of boat-follow exercises. At this point, her health and stamina will be judged to see if how she compares with the other resident orcas.
Read "The final and most important phase of the retirement of orca Lolita"
Google and Examiner.com
Friday, September 18, 2009
The retirement plan for an orca named Lolita - Phase Two
Lolita will be given all the time she needs to become accustomed to her new seapen, surroundings, and staff. When she displays no abnormal stress and exhibits normal physical parameters, rehabilitation will begin.
The team will be partly following the steps put forth in Project Deep Ops: Deep Object Recovery with Pilot and Killer Whales, NUC TP 306 by C.A. Bowers and R.S. Henderson. In this study, two orca were kept in seapens in Hawaii while being trained to follow boats more than ten nautical miles and dive hundreds of feet deep. This is called boat-recall training.
To read the entire article, go to "The retirement plan for an orca named Lolita - Phase Two".
An Orca Named Lolita - The Plan for her Retirement - Part 1

For more on the retirement plan for Lolita, go to: "An Orca Named Lolita - The Plan for her Retirement - Part 1"
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
An Orca named Lolita - Where it all started

The year was 1964. The World’s Fair was being held in New York City, the Olympics were in Tokyo, and the US was watching "Flipper" and "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" on the TV. At the same time, the Vancouver Aquarium in Canada decided that they wanted a sculpture of an orca.
Read complete article here
Monday, September 7, 2009
How you can help Lolita - Worldwide event - September 13th

This is a worldwide event!
Anyone from around the world can help! You do not need to live in Florida to help Lolita, anymore than you need to live in Taiji to help the dolphins! This event is scheduled for Sunday, September 13, 2009. We are asking people to call, fax, email, or snail mail the Miami Seaquarium and tell them it is time for her to retire! September 14th marks 39 years Lolita has been at Seaquarium. She has well earned her retirement!
Ways you can help
Saturday, August 8, 2009
An Orca named Lolita
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
An Orca Named Lolita

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on Lolita, the orca at the Miami Seaquarium. I received such a response that I had to keep writing. Something inside me is pushing me on to tell her story to the world. I just uploaded Part 7 of An Orca name Lolita.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
An Orca Named Lolita

Monday, July 13, 2009
Life as a writer!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
From Photographer to Writer

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Just Missed Them!

Friday, June 26, 2009
Who Names the Southern Resident Orcas?

In the Puget Sound area, we have three pods of orcas known as the Southern Residents. I am often asked how our orcas got their names.
Each orca has both a scientific name and a regular name. Their scientific name is given to them by the Center for Whale Research. The letter designates to which pod they belong: J, K, or L. The number following the letter is the order in which they were named. J1 was the first member of J pod to be named, J2 the second, and so on. Our newest calf in J pod is J45.
Their regular name is given to them by The Whale Museum. Calves are named after they have survived their first year. Members of the museum send in their choices for names, a list of favorites is compiled, and a vote is held. All members of the museum are eligible to vote. One of the cutest sets of names belongs to J22 who was named Oreo, and her offspring who are J34 DoubleStuf and J38 Cookie. J1 who is probably the most famous is Ruffles because of his tall, wavy dorsal fin. And J2 is the oldest at present. She is Granny who is approximately 98 years old.
A complete set of our orcas scientific names and their regular names can be found on The Whale Museum’s website.
Monday, June 22, 2009
An Exciting Orca Day to Remember!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
ORCA Awareness Month

Certified Marine Naturalist

Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Etc. Part of Whales And Sails, Etc.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Whale Museum, Friday Harbor, WA

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend - Sunday - Graduation and More Orcas!

Memorial Day Weekend - Saturday - More Orcas!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend - Friday - Orcas, Orcas!

Thursday, March 26, 2009
My New Website - Whales and Sails, Etc.

I've added to my list of websites. I've always had a homepage of sorts, with my personal interests. Then when I decided to really focus on my photography and the orcas, I created CaroleMay.com. I have since received a number of requests for prints of my photos, so I have just set up WhalesAndSails.com When it comes to my photography, my two main passions are the whales (orcas and grays) and sails (boats of any kind, large or small).